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dig deep

"dig deep"的翻译和解释


  • ( 5 ) lowing down the dam body will reduce the digging deep of the stilling basin , decrease the velocity of flow on the dam body and cut the difficulties of
  • Bigger worms tend to live longer because they can dig deeper , and avoid temperature extremes , soils that are too wet or dry , snow and predators
    较大的蚯蚓会活得较久,因为它们能钻得深一些,避免了温度忽高忽低、土壤过湿或过干,也避免了雪暴和食肉动物(的伤害) 。
  • And if you d like to dig deeper and see whats coming next , take a look at rick robinson s articles on the enterprise service bus also in
    如果您想对此进行更深入的研究,并了解将来的发展前景,请查看rick robinson撰写的关于企业服务总线( enterprise service bus )的文章(请参阅
  • Oh , great city , it is in thy palpitating bosom that i have found that which i sought ; like a patient miner , i have dug deep into thy very entrails to root out evil thence
  • If the area is on high ground , the soil is soft enough for them to dig deep enough to avoid freezing , and is an area that stays damp , then a healthy turtle can be hibernated outside
  • Whoever wants him most will have to dig deep in their pockets for the rapidly rising flamengo star , who has a contract with the club until 2012 with a buyout clause set at 30m euro
  • As yeong - ju ? s behavior becomes increasingly alarming , ji - won digs deeper into the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of the number ? s first owner , a high school girl named jin - hie
    金蕙追查之下,发现曾使用该手机号码的几个人逐一离奇惨死,此时死咒瞬间蔓延,死亡步步逼近,金蕙简直无法相信… …究竟电话是谁拨出,又等待谁来接听?
  • However , she is told by her superior si tony leung to stop her private investigation . on the other hand , someone seems to be dissatisfied with ling and fei s behaviors , and try to prevent them from digging deeper by all means . .
  • Methods work like their non - deep counterparts , but instead of stopping and working with each element of the top - level array , they continue to dig deeper into the multi - dimensional array to generate results
    方法的工作方式类似于它们那些非深度( non - deep )的同类,但它们不仅会停下手来处理顶级数组的每个元素,还会更深入地研究生成结果的多维数组。
  • Using its four hands to spring up towards the womb from which he had so recently been delivered , the thing closed its gaping jaws on the groin of its parent , its teeth digging deep into talisac ' s flesh
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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