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chinese dragon

"chinese dragon"的翻译和解释


  • Chinese dragon two handed jian was not made after the early two handed jian because the blade profile and cross section were different from the period pieces
  • Introduction : the idea came from king procedures , chinese dragon , which is a very interesting game . therefore , the provision of entertainment to the small eastern about
  • His name was tattooed onto her left arm along with a chinese dragon - the remnants of which are still faintly visible even after laser removal surgery
  • His name was tattooed onto her left arm along with a chinese dragon - the remnants of which are still faintly visible even after laser removal surgery
  • His name was tattooed onto her left arm along with a chinese dragon - the remnants of which are still faintly visible even after laser removal surgery
  • As the emblem of the emperor and the imperial command , the legend of the chinese dragon permeates the ancient chinese civilization and shaped their culture until today
  • The colors of chinese dragons are evidently quite variable , but in the case of the chiao type its back is striped with green , its sides are yellow , and it is crimson underneath
  • The chinese dragon is as a symbol of auspicious power in chinese folklore and art , it is the embodiment of the concept of yang [ male ] and associated with the weather and water as the bringer of rain
  • Chinese dragons have a long , scale serpentine form combined with the attributes of other animals ; most ( but not all ) are wingless , and has four claws on each foot ( five for the imperial emblem )
    中国龙是一种长形的、覆有鳞片的巨蛇与其他动物的混合体,大部分(但并非全部)是没有翅膀的,每足四爪(龙王象征为每足五爪) 。
  • The chinese dragon boat festival has a long history with many traditions such as eating zongzi ( pyramid - shaped glutinous rice balls wrapped in leaves ) , drinking rice wine , making xiangdai ( sachets of ground traditional chinese medicine ) , and dragon boat racing
    中国的端午节具有悠久的历史,并伴随很多传统,例如,吃粽子(以叶子包裹的锥形的糯米团) ,喝米酒,做香袋(传统的中药小袋子) ,和赛龙舟。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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