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13th century

"13th century"的翻译和解释


  • Thenorthern one was first constructed in 1079 , and was expanded in the 13th century ; only the ruins remain . the southern one was built in 1268 , and was expanded several times
  • As for english ballads of unknown authorship , they started in the 12th and 13th centuries and prospered in the 14th and 15th , only it is often difficult to date them
    至于不明作者、起于民间的英语民谣, 12 、 13世纪就有,到14 、 15世纪大盛,只是无法查明它们较确切的创作年代。
  • The straight trumpet was widely employed in the princely and ducal courts of europe in the early 13th century , but the instrument was soon improved and the s - shaped trumpet was later introduced
  • Built in the 12th and 13th centuries , this was scandinavia ' s first gothic cathedral to be built of brick and it encouraged the spread of this style throughout northern europe
  • St procopius basilica , built as part of the benedictine monastery in the early 13th century , is a remarkable example of the influence of western european architectural heritage in this region
  • Benin , the hometown of palm oil was established in ad 12th century to 13th century , it is close to the guinea gulf and the coast is about 125 km . beside the coast is the plain around 100 sq . m
    史建于12 - 13世纪,国地南北狭长,南临几内亚湾,海岸线长125公里,地势北高南低,沿海是宽约100公里的平原。
  • In the 13th century a . d . , as the world was experiencing tremendous changes and suffering brutal wars , china evolved from relatively small seperate nat . .
    公元十三世纪是一个天翻地覆的世纪是一个金戈铁马战火纷飞的年代是分裂了四百馀年的中国完成第四次统一的世纪也是中国打破闭关自守真正走上世界历史舞. .
  • Business studies ? a mixture of law , accountancy and practical french ? were taught at oxford as early as the 13th century , arousing the same sniffy response from some of the dons as they do today
  • In the later half of the 13th century , a new trend of fine arts appeared in the central part of italy with florence as its center , representing the transition of from fine arts of middle ages to renaissance art
  • The europeans maintain that golf was invented in europe respectively in scotland . and we chinese people have proofs that our ancestors already played small balls similar to golf in 13th century in china
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