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  • In the press conference on 7 january 2004 , tsang only promised to shortly meet the legislative council , district councils , the legal sector , academics and other sectors . what about the general public
  • Following the formal launching of the consultation exercise at a press briefing on january 7 , 2002 , a series of activities were undertaken to elicit comments from the public and various stakeholder groups
  • Eto came into operation on 7 january , 2000 . it aims to establish a clear legal framework for the operation of the voluntary certification authority recognition scheme and to enhance public confidence during electronic transactions
  • In light of a fire broke out on 7 . 1 . 00 in a congestion relief works site at the north point station of mtr island line , ir dr hon raymond ho chung - tai raised a question on emergency plans for fires occurring in mtr premises
  • Record of discussion of the efac currency board sub - committee on 5 november 2004 and 7 january 2005 and reports on currency board operations for the periods 29 september 21 october 2004 , 24 october 23 november 2004 , and 24 november 2004 22 december 2004
    外汇基金谘询委员会辖下货币发行委员会2004年11月5日及2005年1月7日会议记录附件: 2004年9月29日至10月21日2004年10月24日至11月23日及2004年11月24日至12月22日期间货币发行局制度运作报告
  • Shortly after the show was broadcast nationwide on january 7 , thousands of japanese , keen to lose weight , rushed to stores and bought up all the natto on the shelves . many japanese believe natto is a healthy addition to their diet and it is widely eaten with rice for breakfast
  • Las vegas , jan . 7 ? bill gates , the chairman of microsoft , is using the consumer electronics show here to highlight several new consumer - oriented products and to unveil a partnership with the ford motor company to build microsoft technology into several ford models
    拉斯维加斯1月7日? ?微软公司总裁比尔?盖茨利用这里举办的消费类电子产品展览会,重点推出几款以消费者为导向的新产品,并公开与福特汽车公司的合作关系,以便在福特的几款车型中置入微软技术。
  • In the 201st meeting of the american astronomical society held in seattle in 7th january 2003 , myungshin im , a caltech astronomer , announced that he had finally found a hero in deep space and that hero may shed light on the real nature of hero . the above hero is merely an acronym , an abbreviated form of hyper extremely red object
    在2003年1月7日于美国西雅图市举行的美国天文学会第201次会议中,加州理工学院的一位韩国天文学家myungshin im宣布在宇宙深处再发现一个英雄hero ,而这个发现对英雄的本质有很重要的启示。
  • This new holding company was formed as a result of " the letter of intent for the management integration " signed on january 7 , 2003 by konica corporation and minolta co . , ltd . , and of a contract for the stock exchange signed by both companies on may 15 , 2003 , in accordance with decisions from the boards of directors meetings of the both companies
  • Promoted wigan , riding high in sixth place in their first season in the premier league , made seven changes for their maiden appearance in the semi - finals of a major cup competition . arsenal , who rested captain thierry henry , also made four alterations to the team which beat cardiff city 2 - 1 in the fa cup third round on saturday
    而在阿森纳队首发阵容中,主教练温格也在1月7日足总杯第3轮2 : 1击败卡迪夫队的主力阵容基础上,作了一些调整,包括队长亨利在内的4名主力队员并没有出现在首发阵容。
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