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  • Leading figures from the world ' s major powers , including the united states and china , will discuss how to speed up the deployment of thousands of united nations peacekeepers to support the current african union force in darfur
  • Despite government assurances that it is trying to disarm arab janjaweed militias in darfur , an african union monitoring team reports militiamen are continuing to loot villages and kill darfur ' s black - african civilians
  • Negroponte also told reporters that sudan faced " continued and possibly even intensified international isolation " if it did not move quickly to implement a u . n . plan for revamping the african union peacekeeping operation in darfur
    尼葛诺旁帝同样告诉记者说,苏丹如果不尽快实施联合国在达佛举行的关于修复非洲联盟和平方案的话,苏丹将会面临“国际间持续并更严厉的孤立举动” 。
  • Negroponte also told reporters that sudan faced " continued and possibly even intensified international isolation " if it did not move quickly to implement a u . n . plan for revamping the african union peacekeeping operation in darfur
  • Negroponte also told reporters that sudan faced " continued and possibly even intensified international isolation " if it did not move quickly to implement a u . n . plan for revamping the african union peacekeeping operation in darfur
    尼格洛旁特还告诉记者,苏丹如果不尽快行动,在达富尔地区恢复非洲联盟的维和行动,执行联合国计划,它将面临“国际社会持续的、甚至可能更强烈的孤立” 。
  • For the past 18 months , mr bashir ' s government , whose janjaweed proxiesare blamed for the worst of the atrocities in darfur , has consistently resistedall diplomatic moves to let the small and ineffectual african union peacekeeping force there be beefed up with better - equipped un troops
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