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  • This progress bar includes a number of customizable properties , including back and fore color , and orientation . you can also use a picture as the background and / or the foreground
  • Additionally , the progress bar and the text feedback not only inform the user of how much time either process will take but also give the user a sense of when the update or launch will be complete
  • Showing a real progress bar when uploading large files is an often requested ( and quite informative ) feature , which is not easily doable with the way the upload handling works in php
  • Our new drag and drop system is a great improvement over our original upload method , and an accurate upload progress bar is displayed so you can see how long your upload has left to go
  • Advanced progress bar control - this is a very sophisticated progress bar control with a number of ui - rich properties , such as back color , fore color , orientation ( vertical or horizontal ) and much more
  • It support label , button , textbox include single line , multiline or password style , radio , checkbox , list box , dropdown list , picture box , group box , panel , progressbar and links between with controls
  • Some things are just easier to say aloud : “ the basketball is spinning . ” “ a progress bar pops up : 20 % , 50 % , 75 % , done . ” if your design supports tooltips , you can tell your users just to point at something and ask “ what ' s this ? ”
    一些情况大声的说出来更简单: “篮球在旋转” “进度条达到了20 % 50 % 75 % ”如果你的设计提供工具提示,当用户指向某处或者问“这是什么? ”
  • While there s no specific rule that says a progress bar must move in linear steps , as a user i would find it a little weird to see the progress move from 10 percent to 35 percent , then back to 27 percent , then up to 80 percent before ending at 0 percent
    虽然没有哪一条特定的规则说进度条必须进行线性移动,但是如果看到进程从10 %移动到35 % ,然后又回到27 % ,然后再增加到80 % ,最后以0 %结束,作为用户我会觉得多少有些古怪。
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