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  • 1 timothy 6 : 10 - 11 ) for the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil , and in their eagerness to be rich some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pains
    教牧书信(提摩太前书6章10 ? 11节) (提摩太前书6章10 ? 11节)贪财是万恶之根,有人贪恋钱财,就被引诱离了真道,用许多愁苦把自己刺透了。
  • He means to offer liberal payment for permission to lodge at the heights ; and doubtless my brother s covetousness will prompt him to accept the terms : he was always greedy ; though what he grasps with one hand he flings away with the other
    他打算慷慨解囊以便住在山庄,毫无疑问我哥哥因为贪财而接受他,辛德雷总是贪婪的,虽然他一手抓过来,另一手又丢出去。 ”
  • Starting with the railway systems , steamer lines , standard oil , ocean cables , diluted telegraph , and all the rest , and winding up with klondike , de beers , tammany graft , and shady privileges in the post - office department
  • I confess to thee , my lord , god and creator , to the one glorified and worshipped in holy trinity , to the father , son and holy spirit , all my sins which i have committed all the days of my life , at every hour , in the present and in the past , day and night , in thought , word and deed ; by gluttony , drunkenness , secret eating , idle talking , despondency , indolence , contradiction , neglect , aggressiveness , self love , hoarding , stealing , lying , dishonesty , curiosity , jealousy , envy , anger , resentment , and remembering wrongs , hatred , mercenariness ; and by all my senses : sight , hearing , smell , taste , touch ; and all other sins , spiritual and bodily , through which i have angered thee , my god and creator , and caused injustice to my neighbours
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