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  • The concentration of gsh in the elf of the lower respiratory tract is normally more than 50 - fold greater than that found in the plasma ( 5 )
    (研究5 )发现下呼吸道上皮肺液里的谷胱甘肽浓度通常是血浆里谷胱甘肽浓度的50倍以上。
  • Other antioxidants introduced through our diet such as vitamins c and e depend on gsh for their function and recycling within the cell
  • Gsh depletion has also been the determinant factor in other models of nephrotoxicity caused by arsenic ( 9 ) , mercury ( 10 ) , and adriamycin ( 11 )
    (研究9 , 10 , 11 )分别发现谷胱甘肽耗竭是砷、汞及阿霉素对肾脏的造成破坏的决定性因素。
  • I mmune modulation : lymphocytes , in particular t - cell subsets , have a high demand for adequate gsh for their function and replication
  • This is hardly surprising since inflammatory conditions in general lead to the increased generation of reactive oxygen species , thus affecting glutathione status
  • These levels fall even much further in later stages , the magnitude of reduction in glutathione seeming to parallel the severity of the disease ( 9 )
    (研究9 )指出到了罹病后期,谷胱甘肽水平降低更多,降低的幅度似与罹病的严重程度平行。
  • This phenomenon can occur in the lymphocytes during the development of the immune response and in the muscular cells during strenuous exercise
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