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  • As the theory of phenomenology arising and developing , it provides a new visual angle to analyze teacher spoken language
  • To broaden the horizon in educational researches , we call for a theoretical and practical study on modern international trade in education
  • At nearly half the price of the faster and slightly wider 16 - 35mm f / 2 . 8l it provides excellent image quality , surpassing that of the more expensive lens in several areas
    尽管比起更快视阈更广的16 - 35来说,他只有一半的价钱,但其仍然提供里令人满意的成像质量,而且在某些方面超过了比其更贵的镜头。
  • In the view of criminal rule - of - law , the balance of criminal law ' s good , evil and combination of them is very important , but china ' s criminal law ' s good , evil and combination of them has particular stress
  • The subjectival western philosophy emphasizes " ego " and advocates " solipsism " , but the emergence of modern phenomenology has changed the situation and " otherness " is paid close attention to
    摘要西方近代主体哲学强调“自我” ,表现出“唯我论”姿态,现代现象学兴起,改变了这一格局,他者受到重视,但现象学视阈中的他者又各有不同的言说。
  • From the perspectives of modern deconstructive theory and comparative literature , literary translation has transcended the traditional sphere of foreign literature and translation literature , and has been transformed into chinese literature
  • This paper intends to , from the perspectives of the aesthetics of reception , look into the phenomenon of the play , " shajiabang " , the transition from a model version to a romantic one , trying to expose the causes underlying the heated debate around it
  • Nearly none from poetic reform to its building enters into the perspective of modern poetic language art and some viewpoints of those leading people in poetry bring negative effect so we should reflect on the consciousness of new poetry and learn something new about the new poetry
  • For the context , there have two parts , the first part is the analysis of the basic theoretic problems of compulsory education goods , which have two items " theoretic examination for compulsory education goods " and " supply for our compulsory education "
  • This paper attempts to reform poem teaching by using the basic ideology of comparison literature to make students learn about the literature interaction under different cultural background , to examine poems in the viewof multicultare , which is bound to widen students ' view , increase their interest in studs
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