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  • All the critical twiddle - twaddle about style and form is mere impertinence and mostly dull jargon
  • Old bosc was always drunk ; prulliere was fond of spitting too much , and as to fontan , he made himself unbearable in society with his loud voice and his stupid doings
  • " there ' s a lot of babble all the time about sisterhood and a certain set of assumptions about women gravitating toward women , which we ' ve just seen now does not particularly hold .
  • In the third group naryshkin was repeating the tale of the meeting of the austrian council of war , at which , in reply to the stupidity of the austrian general , suvorov crowed like a cock
  • Prudence went off into my bedroom , not so much to see inside as to cover up her unfortunate remark and to leave marguerite and me alone together . why did you bring prudence with you ? i said
  • Oh , please , do as i say , what nonsense you keep talking , you have kept putting things off , and see whats come of it ! said prince andrey in an exasperated whisper , evidently meaning to wound his sister
    “哎呀,行个好,你总是说些蠢话,你总是叫我一个劲儿等,你看等着倒霉啦。 ”安德烈公爵恶狠狠地轻声说,显然他想刺激妹妹的痛处。
  • Well , sonya , you said all sorts of silly things about him , natasha began in a meek voice , the voice in which children speak when they want to be praised for being good . i have had it all out with him to - day
    “索尼娅,你评论他时讲了种种蠢话, ”娜塔莎用温和的声调开始说,那声调就像孩子们想得到夸赏时常用的声调一样, “今天我要跟他作一番解释。 ”
  • The old prince declared that it was all princess maryas doing if he were ill ; that she plagued and worried him on purpose , and that she was spoiling little prince nikolay by the way she petted him , and the silly tales she told him
  • Bloggers risk the same peculiar loss of privacy , he says : when every idiocy uttered is permanent - and searchable - individuals may have no choice but to present a sanitised public self in place of the real one
  • His ease and cheerfulness rendered him a most agreeable addition to their evening party ; and he bore with the ill - judged officiousness of the mother , and heard all her silly remarks with a forbearance and command of countenance particularly grateful to the daughter
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