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  • New york reuters - working with snakes can be more hazardous than you thought - but it ' s not their bite that ' s the problem
  • The seed , resembling a viper ' s head , was once mistakenly used as a treatment for snakebite giving the plant its unusual name
  • Halfway on their journey , one of the disciples was bitten by an extremely poisonous snake , the most venomous and deadliest snake known in india
  • He said they was crawling up his legs ; and then he would give a jump and scream , and say one had bit him on the cheek - but i couldn t see no snakes
  • During the incident , an official from a cleaning company was bitten on the finger by one of the puff adders which are extremely venomous and could cause death
  • Heavy neck rings and spiky collars are favoured by some snakebites , who claim this to be a precaution against being throttled by personal enemies who might creep up behind them in the night
  • The snakes slither onto her face , kissing and licking her , and sometimes , at her deliberate provocation , bite her until she bleeds . if the venom is too much , she sucks it out and spits it away
  • Due to the snakebite he suffers in ootp , arthur weasley is being held in the [ url = " http : / / www . hp - lexicon . org / wizards / wizards - l - n . html # llewellyn " ] “ dangerous ” dai lleywellyn [ / url ] ward : serious bites
  • His foot swelled up pretty big , and so did his leg ; but by and by the drunk begun to come , and so i judged he was all right ; but i d druther been bit with a snake than pap s whisky
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