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  • The number of the autograph column that credit card must not tell a family card name date of expiration and card are rear , the risk that is stolen in that way is very high
  • Cancellation : the candidate must fill in the cancellation application form on the back of the confirmation letter and a remittance order form , if he / she wants to cancel a registered test
  • The distance to the rear of a tetrahedron is computed by intersecting the eye ray with the planes of the tetrahedron facing away from the eye and choosing the smallest distance
  • " you might notice a slight increase in humidity on the back side , " admits hockaday , " but our hand is mce and sweaty , so you wouldn ' t know the difference .
    霍克蒂承认到: “虽然你可能注意到手机背面的潮气稍微增加了一点,但是我们的手却汗乎乎的,所以你根本搞不清楚有什么差别。 ”
  • The coins are set against a spectacular backdrop of the tsing ma bridge , which is also featured on the reverse side of the commemorative ten - dollar coin issued in 1997
  • Other matters in connection with this sales contract shall be handled according to the general provisions on the back of the contract . the general provision are an integral part of this contract
  • The results of the experiments were that leakage - currents of the 77 % diodes have obviously reduced in form 0 . 08 ~ 11 a / cm2 to a value smaller than 0 . 032 a / cm2 . therefore , the gettering efficiency and homogeneity has been demonstrated on devices . it was also concluded that , from the experiments , the cavities band for gettering on the pol ished backside of the wafer was more efficient than that on the rough side
    氦微孔在双面抛光硅片上显示了很好的吸杂效率和均匀性, 77 %的注氦微孔二极管经过热处理j *值从0 . 08一n州/ cm ’降到了0 . 032州/ cm ’以下: he +注入粗糙背面的二极管也有相当好的吸杂效果,但总体上要弱于抛光背面的吸杂效果;且单、双面抛光片的人值的最大降低幅度都达三个数量级,证明了氦微孔强大的吸杂能力。
  • On basis of the facts that all tubiform petal only occurs in the highflower of prolification flower ; and except the tubiform petal , the rest of the highflower petals always have the transforming development carpellary disc in the dorsal base ; as well as there are distinctive shape and anatomy structure , a viewpoint that the tubiform petal corns from the together petaloid developing of carpel and carpellary disc has been put forward . furthermore , the jointly petaloid development process and feature of the tub
  • Above and beyond the glowing arc formed by the footlights the dark body of the house seemed full of ruddy vapor , and against this neutral - tinted background , where row upon row of faces struck a pale , uncertain note , nana stood forth white and vast , so that the boxes from the balcony to the flies were blotted from view
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