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  • Shark goes dizzy and you get to carry your bloody leg back to the shore to be sewn on just in time to watch the final of celebrity big brother
  • My mother applied her eye to the crack between the boards ; i luckily found a small opening which afforded me a view of the apartment and what was passing within
  • Sewn onto the back of leather flying jackets worn the pilots of the american volunteer group , the “ blood chit ” or “ xuefu ” was worn to identify the “ flying tigers ” to the chinese people
    美国航空志愿队(飞虎队)飞行员身上穿的皮夹克的背面缝上了“血书” ,证明他们是来帮助中国人民的“飞虎队”队员。
  • Their first major design was a pleated denim jean with external pockets dubbed " baggies " that took off in high schools and colleges and soon was imitated by other apparel manufacturers
    他们的头一项重要设计是一种打褶的、缝上明袋的兰色斜纹粗布裤,这种裤子人们称为“袋子” ,在中学和大学中首先流行,接着别的服装商店也都很快仿制起来。
  • Over time this has changed from wearing a blue dress to wearing just a blue band around the bottom of the bride ' s wedding dress to modern times where it is commonplace for the bride to wear a blue garter5
    随着时间的推移,这一传统已从穿蓝色结婚礼服,演变成后来的在新娘的结婚礼服下摆处缝上一圈蓝色的镶边,再演变到现代的普遍做法? ?新娘用蓝色的吊袜带。
  • The next morning , at nine o clock , he entered franz s room , followed by a tailor , who had eight or ten roman peasant costumes on his arm ; they selected two exactly alike , and charged the tailor to sew on each of their hats about twenty yards of ribbon , and to procure them two of the long silk sashes of different colors with which the lower orders decorate themselves on f
  • At first , being little accustomed to learn by heart , the lessons appeared to me both long and difficult ; the frequent change from task to task , too , bewildered me ; and i was glad when , about three o clock in the afternoon , miss smith put into my hands a border of muslin two yards long , together with needle , thimble , etc . , and sent me to sit in a quiet corner of the schoolroom , with directions to hem the same
  • In 1995 , trade in goods , services , and investments totaled over 2 , 000 , 000 million dollars - supporting 11 million jobs with exports alone . we must continue opening markets abroad and insisting on fair and open trade . the world - class products and services produced by american companies can compete and win anywhere , given a level playing field
    海关货物稽查员苏保罗( sue paul )对记者们展示一些了仿冒厂商用来规避检验的手法,比方说,在衬衫上的模仿pacific ocean的标志上缝上印花图案以为掩饰,也有把仿冒的路易威登皮包整个包上廉价的布料等。
  • Georgiana added to her how d ye do ? several commonplaces about my journey , the weather , and so on , uttered in rather a drawling tone : and accompanied by sundry side - glances that measured me from head to foot - now traversing the folds of my drab merino pelisse , and now lingering on the plain trimming of my cottage bonnet
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