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  • A pair of rare golden eagles has started nesting on the northern tip of ireland ? nearly a century after zealous gamekeepers and victorian trophy - hunters drove the species to extinction on the island
  • This is about the priesthoods - the sacred castes - the initiates - the watchers - the guardians of the secrets - those of the light vs . those of the dark - who try to steal the secrets that would enable them to control the destiny of man
    这是关于祭司? ?神圣的阶层? ?传授? ?看守人? ?秘密的守护者? ?光明对着黑暗? ?尝试去窃取秘密的会能够使他们控制人的命运。
  • I am going to die , and from my bedroom i can hear the footsteps of the watchman my creditors have placed in the drawing - room to see that nothing is removed and to ensure that if i do not die , i shall be left with nothing
  • In return , the superintendent gave him an advice note for the cemetery keeper ; it was agreed that the transfer of the remains should take place the following day at ten in the morning , that i should come and collect him an hour beforehand and that we would drive to the cemetery together
  • This dissertation first answers two basic questions - what is the definition an entrepreneur and is an enterprise - operator equal to an entrepreneur ? after gaining a clear thread of the research on the theories of entrepreneurs , this paper attempts to extend a descriptive definition of an entrepreneur from the point of view of enterprise - operator - type human capital , and that of the degrader of the enterprise - operator , i . e . " the warder "
    本文从回答什么是企业家,企业经营者就是企业家吗,这样两个基本问题出发,在廓清企业家理论研究脉络的基础上,力图从经营型人力资本的角度给企业家下一个描述性的定义,同时给企业经营者的劣化者- - “看守人”也下一个描述性定义,然后对企业经营者、企业家和看守人的相互关系及其机制依赖进行探讨。
  • We start with an overall discussion about the connotation , functions and generation mechanism of entrepreneurs . then we take a further step to study the entrepreneurs ' required quality - enterprise - operator - type human capital , and its formation , supply and demand . and finally we enquire into the relations between enterprise - operators , entrepreneurs and warders , and the micro - mechanism of the generation of the three
    首先对企业家的内涵、作用及企业家生成机制作总括性的讨论;其次,就企业家的内在素质要求- -经营型人力资本及其形成、供给与需求进行研究:再次,对企业经营者、企业家与看守人之间的相互关系及其三者的微观形成机制加以剖析。
  • The doctor had to go to london for a physician to take charge of his practice ; the squire was hard at work a bristol ; and i lived on at the hall under the charge of old redruth , the gamekeeper , almost a prisoner , but full of sea dreams and the most charming anticipations of strange island and adventures
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