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  • At the entrance of the room which led to her boudoir , madame de villefort was standing erect , pale , her features contracted , and her eyes glaring horribly
  • S rose , advanced a few steps , and , with a fervent prayer of gratitude , stretched himself on the granite . which seemed to him softer than down
  • Everyone , that is , except cat . she chases bird , but is so fat that she crashes straight through the ice and into the freezing water . how they all laugh at her
  • But she was unable to proceed . with a terrible push he had cast her full length on the floor and , lifting his heel , he seemed on the point of crushing in her head in order to silence her
  • I opened my worn - out cotton quilt , put the book of capital theory under the quilt as my pillow , and lay down on my bed flatling and acted as if there was no one else present
  • We were both of us capsized in a second , and both of us rolled , almost together , into the scuppers ; the dead red - cap , with his arms still spread out , tumbling stiffly after us
  • Morrel shuddered as he thought of the conversation of the doctor and m . de villefort , and he thought he could see through the sheet the extended hands , the stiff neck , and the purple lips
  • We began to rejoice over our good success , when just at that moment a pistol cracked in the bush , a ball whistled close past my ear , and poor tom redruth stumbled and fell his length on the ground
  • But a few of them still stir , rise up , fly languidly and settle on the hand of the foe , without the spirit to die stinging him ; the rest are dead and as easily brushed aside as fishes scales
  • Some centuries later , the emperor julian , training one morning with his soldiers , lost the wicker part of his shield , he was left holding only the grip or the handle
    伟大的恺撒大帝登陆埃及时脸朝地直挺挺地跌倒在潮湿的海滩上? ?你可以想象得到他手下的官兵是怎样的惊惶失措一一直至后来这个充满雄韬伟略的男子大声呼喊: "非洲,我把你弄到手了!
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