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  • A gaunt four - post bedstead which stood in the room afforded sitting - space for several persons gathered round three of its sides ; a couple more men had elevated themselves on a chest of drawers ; another rested on the oak - carved cwoffer ; two on the washstand ; another on the stool ; and thus all were , somehow , seated at their ease . the stage of mental comfort to which they had arrived at his hour was one wherein their souls expanded beyond their skins , and spread their personalities warmly through the room
  • I remember that she had spent that morning in a way that was quite different than her usual habit . instead of meditating upstairs all morning , until about 11 , then coming downstairs for her daily hygiene and breakfast , she got up and dressed very early . she put on a new outfit , checked herself in the mirror , and spent some time happily chatting with the kids and me
  • Madame peronsky was ready and waiting . in spite of her age and ugliness , just the same process had been going on with her as with the rostovs , not with flurry , for with her it was a matter of routine . her elderly and unprepossessing person had been also washed and scented and powdered ; she had washed as carefully behind her ears , and like the rostovs nurse , her old maid had enthusiastically admired her mistresss attire , when she came into the drawing - room in her yellow gown adorned with her badge of a maid - of - honour
  • The guest rooms are well equipped with facilities such as idd telephone , broad band access , separate bathroom and down pillows and quilts . the hotel has self - helping service centre , with internet access , reading bar , automat , cold hot drinks , microwave oven , ice machine , mini chat zone , gym , private secretary , copy , typing , travel consultant , air train tickets booking , parking and hairdressing services
    真空玻璃,隔音效果显著,保证室内温控冷暖空调,单独室温调节装置直拨国际国内电话宽频介面, 100兆网速,免费上网单独卫生间, 24小时热水供应,淋浴槽,完整盥洗用品,吹风机电热水瓶,备茶叫醒服务房间内可收视卫星及有线电视节目
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