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  • Koplan was more blunt , calling it a waste of taxpayer money to develop a program that works and then dismantle it
  • < uk > i have written this unsparing personal description of the f hrer as i saw him in his headquarters . < / uk >
    < uk >我把我在最高统帅部里所目睹的情况写成下文,作为我个人对元首的不留情面的描述。 < / uk >
  • But for all that effort , it was cut from the movie ( a scene of her in the temple did make it into the novel , though )
    但这么多的汗水是白流了,被不留情面地从电影中剪掉(莎克?提在圣殿中的一场戏倒是写进了小说) 。
  • Sampson ‘ tis all one , i will show myself a tyrant ; when i have fought with the men , i will be cruel with the maids , and cut off their heads
  • She knows that perfection is a ruthless master , but she wants to be at least somewhere in the same county before she exposes herself to an audience
  • Elizabeth , who had expected to find in her as acute and unembarrassed an observer as ever mr . darcy had been , was much relieved by discerning such different feelings
  • The president ' s amtition to stand taller in the world faces on significant u . s . made handicap : brutal cutbacks in finding american foreigh policy
  • In this sequel of sorts , mo - wan is back , much transformed , having given up the don quixote of illusory ideals for the don juan of immediate gratification
  • In addition , furniture , like sized bed and wardrobe , perfume lamp , nighties , soft - colored curtain even snow - white beddings , everything ornamented is full of romance or warmth you can only feel at home
  • General remarks : heroic and independent , intelligence is beyond normal , poetry books are good for reading , can endure hardships , love life is bland , independent career with work , increase forbearance towards others , although the male is brave but late recognition , female is shy , affinity is rare , do more sacrifice , put in best effort in everything , work hard but frustrated , long trips abroad is recommended
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