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  • The rate of increase in cereal production is 0 . 8 percent . the second model is the grain - feedstuff model , by which 68 million kilogram grain for fodder and 72 . 2 million kilogram of commodity will be supplied and the peasants " income is most .
    粮牧结合型方案;以收入为目标,人均种植业收益903元; 2010年实现饲料粮总产量6800万公斤,转化成动物性产品,仅牧业人均收入达6546元。人均粮食产量399公斤,可以为国家提供商品粮7220万公斤。
  • The first stage ( 1978 ~ 1992 ) concretized as emphasizing agriculture and omitting stock raising ; the second stage was " full - scale development " ( 1993 - 2001 ) which all the agriculture , stock raising and fishery achieved rapid development accompanied by gradual establishment of market economy
    第一阶段为“重农轻牧”阶段( 1978 - 1992年) ,具体表现为:重视农业的发展,而忽视牧业的发展,第二阶段为“全面发展”阶段( 1993 - 2001年) 。
  • This training is a good combination of the pastoral development project , funded by a wb loan with the sustainable agriculture development project phase ii , and both projects will have a broad prospect for cooperation when carrying out project training and other relevant activities in the future
  • 3 . foreign invested enterprises engaged in infrastructure and facility construction such as hydraulic power , energy , transportation , telecommunications , and environment protection and in development projects of farming and animal husbandry shall be taxed at fifteen percent rate , the enterprises with over ten year operation span
    3从事水利能源交通通信,环保等基础产业和基础设施以及农牧业开发经营的外商投资企业,按15 %的税率征收企业所得税。
  • And with the support of the fund provided by both sides under the project , the training course for officials on supervision and law enforcement on animal health in yanbian korean autonomous prefecture was held during march 16 - 18 , 2007 in yanji , the capital city of the prefecture
    的计划,在该项目中加双方的资金支持下,延边州牧业管理局于2007年3月16日至18日,在延吉市举办了一次“中加动物健康推广服务项目延边兽医执法人员培训班” ,培训为期3天。
  • The technology training at the provincial level , organized by the project office of the gansu pastoral development project and sponsored by the china - canada agriculture development program through wich agriculture and agri - food canada manages sadp ii , was held in lanzhou from the 16th to the 18th of december , 2005
    贷款甘肃牧业发展项目办公室组织的省级水平的技术培训在甘肃兰州举行。 45名来自甘肃世行项目区23个项目单位的管理和技术人员参加了此次培训。
  • Income difference between areas is mostly influenced by wages and salaries ; tax expense , regional factors in one province , family structure , labor culture and family possesses played a great role on income difference in liaoning province and neimenggu municipality . non - agriculture obviously increases income difference . forestry , fishery and stockbreeding increase income difference
  • Article 8 local people ' s governments at various levels shall support returned overseas chinese and the family members of overseas chinese to invest in the establishment of industrial and commercial enterprises , in the development of barren hills , waste lands and beaches , or to engage in the agricultural , forestry , animal husbandry , sideline and fishery production . their lawful rights and interests shall be protected by law
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