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  • The closing deadline for the tour enrolment is on 25 october 2006 . for details , please contact ms . li at lingnan university s apias on tel : 2616 - 7424 . maintained by
    游学团截止报名日期为2006年10月25日,查询游学团详情可致电岭大亚太老年研究中心李小姐电话: 2616 - 7424
  • Based on factor analysis results , those considering factors can be summarized into four categories : living conditions , school provisions , habitual adjustment and itinerary / price
  • At the seminar , prof . alfred chan presented the aims and characteristics of senior travel and survey results of finding happiness through travelling
  • Thus , in nairobi , you can learn how to make tianjin dumplings , while in singapore you can sign up for a 14 - day study tour of the sage ' s hometown , qufu , in shandong province
    所以在内罗毕你可以学到怎样做天津饺子,而在星加坡你可以报名参加为期14天的圣贤故乡游学之旅? ? ?前往山东曲阜。
  • The senior travel concept is in line with lingnans liberal arts mission which promotes life - long and self learning . senior travel epitomizes the spirits of continuous education and life - long learning
  • When ariel listened to the rumor , she replied , " don ' t say things that cannot be done ; my manager advised me not to go to new york for further studies , but i want to spend my christmas in new york "
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