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  • Foliage usually dark green ( or sometimes faded ) with dark brown or black necrotic spotting along major leaflet veins often appearing first on under surfaces and also along petiole ; profuse black spotting an sometimes black streaks along stems ) ( “ stem streak necrosis ” )
    马铃薯锰中毒:叶片通常深绿(有时褪色) ,深褐色或黑色坏死斑点首先出现在表面内沿着主叶脉一直到叶柄,大量黑色斑点有时沿着茎连成一条黑色条纹( “茎条纹病” ) 。
  • Leaning over the battlements and looking far down , i surveyed the grounds laid out like a map : the bright and velvet lawn closely girdling the grey base of the mansion ; the field , wide as a park , dotted with its ancient timber ; the wood , dun and sere , divided by a path visibly overgrown , greener with moss than the trees were with foliage ; the church at the gates , the road , the tranquil hills , all reposing in the autumn day ' s sun ; the horizon bounded by a propitious sky , azure , marbled with pearly white
  • Leaning over the battlements and looking far down , i surveyed the grounds laid out like a map : the bright and velvet lawn closely girdling the grey base of the mansion ; the field , wide as a park , dotted with its ancient timber ; the wood , dun and sere , divided by a path visibly overgrown , greener with moss than the trees were with foliage ; the church at the gates , the road , the tranquil hills , all reposing in the autumn day s sun ; the horizon bounded by a propitious sky , azure , marbled with pearly white
  • Leaning over the battlements and looking far down , i surveyed the grounds laid out like a map : the bright and velvet lawn closely girdling the grey base of the mansion ; the field , wide as a park , dotted with its ancient timber ; the wood , dun and sere , divided by a path visibly overgrown , greener with moss than the trees were with foliage ; the church at the gates , the road , the tranquil hills , all reposing in the autumn day ' s sun ; the horizon bounded by a propitious sky , [ color = red ] [ b ] azure [ / b ] [ / color ] , marbled with pearly white
  • But her bonnet is pulled so far over her brow that none of her face is disclosed while she binds , though her complexion may be guessed from a stray twine or two of dark brown hair which extends below the curtain of her bonnet . perhaps one reason why she seduces casual attention is that she never courts it , though the other women often gaze around them . her binding proceeds with clock - like monotony
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