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  • " the whole wetland park , which will cover an area of about 64 hectares , will comprise a freshwater lake , demonstration fish ponds , gei wai ( intertidal shrimp ponds ) and a visitor centre
  • It had a diameter of 54 inches . it also started from man kan to in the new territories , went through river indus pumping station to water tunnel at tai po tau to connect with plover cove
  • Dianchi lake is famous plateau fresh water lake in china , the water pollution of dianchi lake is very serious , the nitrogen , phosphorus exceed standard seriously , the water body is serious in eutrophication
  • Ice cores contain evidence that sudden cold periods occurred after the north atlantic became less salty , perhaps because freshwater lakes burst through the walls of glaciers and found their way to the sea
  • It offers exceptional panoramic views of the plover cove reservoir and the pat sin mountains , but is recommended only for experienced walkers because of its length and the type of terrain traversed
  • My colleague was meant to be in charge of this project , but he is unable to do so due to a major illness . i have absolutely no experience in handling projects of this scale , and the stress is immense
  • Located 10 kilometres from the city proper , it is the sixth largest freshwate lke and one of the national torist resorts in china . boating on it with beautiful scenery in view will sure be an enjoyment
    烟波浩淼的滇池,像一颗璀璨的明珠,镶嵌在红土高原上,它是国家级风景区,距昆明市区10公里,素称“五百里滇池” ,为中国第六大淡水湖
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