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  • An american will say “ i ' m polish ” or “ i ' m italian ” because his great - grandparents were born in poland or italy
    一个美国人会说“我是波兰人”或“我是意大利人” ,因为他的曾祖父母是在波兰或意大利出生的。
  • So new claims of a latent anti - semitism that led some poles to commit crimes against jews has caused a stir
  • Aug 1996 , friendly and helpful is poland ' s people ; they let us know that a wonderful trip involved many persons ' effort
  • A good measure of success will be if some of the hundreds of thousands of poles now working in western europe start to trickle home
  • Due to be led by an irishman , the bulk of its soldiers will be french , plus some austrians , dutchmen , poles and swedes
  • Russia wants to describe as “ soviet citizens ” the hundreds of thousands of people killed there who came from such places as eastern poland and lithuania
    俄罗斯现在将当年在此牺牲的成千上万东波兰人和立陶宛人公然称做“苏联公民” 。
  • Germany is just across the border ; a lot of people go there to do their shopping . " other high - risk games include the three group matches involving iran
    而这一次世界杯又在我们的邻国德国举行,所以到时候肯定有大批的波兰人前往购物。 ”
  • The level of education of polish workforce is considerably high in both skilled and unskilled sectors . more and more poles are completing higher education
  • With his contract up in the summer and rival pepe reina injured , the stage looked set for the pole to bid an emotional farewell against charlton on sunday
  • With his contract up in the summer and rival pepe reina injured , the stage looked set for the pole to bid an emotional farewell against charlton on sunday
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