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  • They looked at one another , as he used his blue cap to wipe his face , on which the perspiration had started afresh while he recalled the spectacle
  • He looked so small lying there , his grey eyes fixed earnestly on mine . i leaned over and wiped the perspiration from his forehead
  • Tiny nodules of moisture stood out on his forehead , and his shirt was wet with sweat from the exertion of doing so many unaccustomed things at once
  • Finally huck leaned on his shovel , swabbed the beaded drops from his brow with his sleeve , and said : " where you going to dig next , after we get this one ?
    末了,哈克倚着铁锹,用袖子抹了把额头上豆大的汗珠,说道: “挖完这个,你打算再到哪里去挖呢? ”
  • He watched the easy walk of the other in front of him , and for the first time realized that his walk was different from that of other men
  • Bertuccio s forehead was covered with perspiration ; however , he obeyed , and , leaning out of the window , he cried to the coachman , - " rue de la fontaine , no . 28 .
    贝尔图乔的前额上满是汗珠,但还是照办了,他把头从窗口里探出去,对车夫喊道: “芳丹街二十八号。 ”
  • Morrel looked attentively on villefort . his face was livid , large drops rolled down his face , and in his fingers he held the fragments of a quill pen which he had torn to atoms
  • Victor ' s appearance startled the priest ; the boy was extremely pale and disheveled , a bead of sweat on his trembling upper lip , breathing heavily , almost panting
  • A painful giddiness overwhelmed villefort ; great drops of acrid sweat fell from his face upon the papers which he held in his convulsed hand . " repeat your father s name , " said the president
    大滴的汗珠从他的脸上滚落,他颤抖的手抓住稿纸, “那么,说出你父亲的名字来。 ”
  • Victor ' s appearance startled the priest ; the boy was extremely pale and disheveled , a bead of sweat on his trembling upper lip , breathing heavily , almost panting
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