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  • After a minimal primer on functional differentiation , we obtain the general form of the regularized solution as a weighted sum of kernel functions centered at the data points
  • The revolutionization , modernization and standardization of the armed forces were carried forward , leading to a rise in our country ' s military capability and our army ' s defensive combat readiness
  • Loose networks of angel investors are beginning to codify the terms on which they can work together , such as by agreeing investment strategies and standardising investment terms
  • The paper described the application of modal analysis to shock dynamics analysis , deduced the formulaes , and proved the independence from the mothed of normalization to the result of modal
  • Domestic ship maintenance justly progressively move towards scale , standardize , technology , specialized developing road . large ship maintenance enterprises have very magnificent prospects
  • These merits can enormously enhance the student records managementthe efficiency , also is enterprise ' s scientific style , thestandardized management , connects rails the important condition withthe world
  • We present an overview of the theoretical part of the course and anticipate the connection between regularization theory and statistical learning theory , the two cornerstone theories on which the course rests
  • Asn . 1 is a data definition language which allows formal definitions of information structures to be expressed in a manner which is independent of any implementation constraints
    抽象语法符号asn . 1是一种资料定义语言,透过将资讯结构的定义正规化,使资料结构在任何发展环境之下都能用相同的表示方法来表示。
  • This company manager wants to give a son the right of administration of the enterprise , the hope can do poineering work through 2 , realize an enterprise span type develops , be on the road of normalization
  • The rapid development of chinese software industry brings about the revolution from workshop to normalization in domestic software enterprises and requires establishing an effective quality management system
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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