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  • As an instance of the latter , he mentioned the case of a young upstart squire named d urberville , living some forty miles off , in the neighbourhood of trantridge
  • The satirical magazine spy threw darts at all the puffery of the era , and was especially fast to disdain the gaudy arrivistes in favor of dandruff - flecked old money
  • The satirical magazine spy threw darts at all the puffery of the era , and was especially fast to disdain the gaudy arrivistes in favor of dandruff - flecked old money
  • Bravely , he took on the mob - comedy mickey blue eyes . next , he was a snobby art - dealer in small time crooks . then came another huge hit with bridget jones ' s diary
    他还大胆地接拍了黑帮喜剧片《米奇的蓝眼睛》 ,尔后他在影片《暴发户》中扮演一名势利的艺术商人,再就是引起轰动的《布里奇特?琼斯的日记》 。
  • " because fernand and danglars , being both parvenus , both having become noble , both rich , are about equal in worth , excepting that there have been certain things mentioned of him that were never said of me .
    “因为弗尔南多和腾格拉尔两个人都是暴发户,都后来成了贵族,都发了财,所以大家都差不多,只是在某些事情上,有人提到他,却从来没谈到过我。 ”
  • The private entrepreneurs have experienced four stages in their formation in what follows aspects ? the collective cadres under the planned economy system , the upstarts at the beginning of transformation , then producer , and operators in the middle of the transformation
  • Now the towers have already been link by a lately - set up on foot street , the west temple tower is fix a new , the east temple tower still keeps the original , new and old contrast under , pour to feel the bright and new west temple tower a the parties nouveau riche imposing style , let hard compliment of person , read the east temple tower of the exhausted vicissitudes of life but cool - headed astringent , let the persons extremely regret
  • As i had once done thus in my breaking away from my parents , so i could not be content now , but i must go and leave the happy view i had of being a rich and thriving man in my new plantation , only to pursue a rash and immoderate desire of rising faster than the nature of the thing admitted ; and thus i cast my self down again into the deepest gulph of human misery that ever man fell into , or perhaps could be consistent with life and a state of health in the world
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