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  • Compared with other forms of business , sole proprietors are the luckiest businessmen in terms of tax burden
    (与其它形式的工商企业相比,从收税负担方面看,个体制工商企业业主是`最为幸运的。 )
  • It was the heavy clay land of blackmoor vale , and a part of the vale to which turnpike - roads had never penetrated
  • However , the amount of tax undercharged in such cases will be computed by reference to that charged under personal assessment
  • However , the amount of tax undercharged in such cases will be computed by reference to that charged under personal assessment
  • No , personal data are exempt from the provisions of data protection if they are for the purposes of assessment or collection of tax or duty
  • Recovery notices to third party are normally issued if the tax inclusive of any surcharge imposed remains unsettled
  • Gamers who make real money selling swords , gold and other items in virtual game worlds may now find that the tax man wants to know about it
  • Some of lula ' s achievements owe much to his predecessor , fernando henrique cardoso ( as does the bad habit of tax - and - spend )
    卢拉的一些成就要归功于他的前任,费尔南多?恩里魁?卡多索总统(还有巴西过去收税支出的坏习惯) 。
  • Our main task at the inland revenue department is to collect taxes efficiently and cost effectively and to make sure that taxpayers comply fully with the law
  • A second instalment of germany ' s federal redesign , which would limit states ' debts but allow them to raise ( or lower ) taxes , may just squeak through
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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