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  • Kaladze ' s milan teammate andrea pirlo was a major doubt with a cut to his eyebrow , but looks set to start anyway
  • Kak and gourcuff were just back from international duty so went through their own session while kaladze trained in the gym
  • Wed june 8th kenyon travels to milan to speak to ac ( crespo , left - back kakhe kaladze ) and inter ( ver n , adriano )
    6月8日星期三肯扬赴米兰会晤两大豪门ac (克雷斯波、左后卫卡壳-卡拉泽)和国际(贝隆、阿德里亚诺) 。
  • Milanello - milan will wear black armbands at palermo as a sign of mourning for kakha kaladze following the death of the defender ' s brother , levan
  • Fairbrother ' s countenance fell . but with that ready presence of mind , which is as useful in civil as in military emergences , he immediately rallied
    费尔布拉泽的脸色都变了。可是他灵机一动? ?这无论在平时或军情紧急时都很有效? ?立即振作起精神来。
  • Milan - milan doctor armando gozzini , has cheked on the injury of kaladze and after the first test it looks like the player will have to stop for about one month
  • 15m with the promise of more to come . by backing ferguson , glazer would appear to regard the 64 - year - old as the best man to take united forward next season
  • Hernan crespo has admitted he is worried that kakha kaladze ' s failure to seal a move to chelsea could have scuppered his own chances of moving in the opposite direction to milan
  • The deal , for ? 60m over four years , is expected to be unveiled within days by the glazer family , which took control of the club in an ? 800m takeover last year
  • The glazer family has shrugged off the financial implications of manchester united ' s failure to reach the champions league knockout phase , but refused to comment on sir alex ferguson ' s future
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