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  • “ these protests really have touched a chord , ” jahangir shouted to me as the lawyers chanted around her . “ there is so much pent - up anger . the country is beginning to stir
    “抗议确实引起了人们的同情和共鸣, ”阿斯玛冲我喊道。此刻聚在四周的律师正在高呼响亮的口号。 “社会积聚了如此之多的愤懑不平,却无法发泄和释放。 (如今)这个国家正在开始觉醒。 ”
  • Dear willun , when he went and died on her , raging that he was the first to go , joan , her four brothers , judith , her husband and all her sons , susan , her husband too , while susan s daughter , elizabeth , to use granddaddy s words , wed her second , having killed her first
    这些女人统统为男人送了葬,玛丽送走了她的当家人约翰338 ,安送走了她那可怜的亲爱的威伦339 ;尽管对于比她先走感到愤懑,他还是死在她前头了。琼送走了她的四个弟弟。
  • The tsar can never have anticipated the burning of moscow , or even the enemys presence at smolensk , and when the armies had been reunited , the tsar was indignant at the taking and burning of smolensk without a general engagement having been fought before its walls
  • Nonsense , dont say so , cried marya dmitryevna . i wont take any ones word for that , i know she doesnt like me , said natasha boldly as she took the letter , and there was a look of cold and angry resolution in her face , that made marya dmitryevna look at her more closely and frown
    “我谁也不相信,我知道她不喜欢, ”娜塔莎把信拿在手上,大胆地说,她脸上流露着一种冷淡愤懑而坚定的表情,这就使得玛丽亚德米特里耶夫娜更加凝神地瞥她一眼,而且蹙起了额角。
  • She seized one day upon her own daughter , as that chip of the female block was returning from school ; but the little one , instead of kissing the loving mother s hand , bit it firmly , and so received from the other hand a smack in the face which sent her reeling into the gutter : whence she was rescued by an indignant and harassed grandmother
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