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  • : especially for single - frightened disease . efficient for lovelorn and lovesick people , also can widely applied to raising children and houseworking
  • In brazil , whose government launched a campaign against homophobia in 2004 , 2 , 509 gay men have been murdered over the past decade
    在巴西, 2004年巴西政府发动了一场反对同性恋恐惧症的运动,在过去十年里2509名男同性恋被谋杀。
  • This causes people to be turned off by the sites language and ultimately they will click the back button on their browser and leave
    这导致访问者产生了“网站语言恐惧症” ,他们将毫不犹豫地点击‘返回’按钮甚至立马离开该站点。 ”
  • At least two software companies are already leasing virtual - reality programs and equipment to psychologists for phobia treatment in their offices
  • My guess is that he is gay and you are a homophobe . whiny voice ? something about the way he sits ? please . consider counselling for yourself
  • John richard grieco is an assassin - for - hire afflicted with claustrophobia . he accidentally meets a gentle girl named susan and fall in love with her
    患有幽闭恐惧症的职业杀手冼约翰李察基高饰,偶遇善良温柔的素珊maggie q饰,心中的冰雪被她融化。
  • The fear of fear has been brought on by revelations of eavesdropping at vodafone , the country s biggest mobile operator , say psychoanalysts reporting a boom in patients
  • The " fear of fear " has been brought on by revelations of eavesdropping at vodafone , the country ' s biggest mobile operator , say psychoanalysts reporting a boom in patients
  • Specific phobias are intense unrealistic fears relating to specific situations or things ( that are not actually dangerous ) , such as heights , dogs , or flying in an airplane
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