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  • As the result of differential expression of embryogenesis - rela ted genes , the essence of this process has been one of remarkable issues in the plant developmental biology
  • The changes of the expression of gfp in biu - 87 cell that induced by the aconitine and hab toxins , gtx were detected with fluorescence microscope , and quantitatively measured with image - pro plus software
    经诱导,抗性细胞发出较强的绿色荧光,表明重组质粒pegfp - c - fos在biu - 87细胞中成功表达。
  • Microscopically , the valve in infective endocarditis demonstrates friable vegetations of fibrin and platelets ( pink ) mixed with inflammatory cells and bacterial colonies ( blue )
    显微镜下可见感染性心内膜炎瓣膜覆盖松脆的赘生物,其中有纤维蛋白和血小板(淡红色) ,并夹杂着炎性细胞和菌落(蓝色) 。
  • Experts know that cancers spread in two separate ways ? by the uncontrolled proliferation of cells , and by their refusal to undergo normal , healthy , programmed cell death , or " apoptosis .
  • Each time the tests were administered , blood samples were collected to assess natural killer cell activity and number of circulating lymphocyte subsets , indicators of immune system function
  • Thus , studies on change of inflammatory cytokines receptors expressions in the brains of immune model animals have important significance for revealing the nuclei and cells participating neuroimmunomodulation
  • Hypoxic preconditioning ( hpc ) , a strategy of intrinsic cytoprotection developed in biological evolution , is designed to be motivated by repetitive exposure of organism , organ , tissue and cell to condition of hypoxia
  • This is chronic osteomyelitis . note the fibrosis of the marrow space accompanied by chronic inflammatory cells . there can be bone destruction with remodelling . osteomyelitis is very difficult to treat
  • Sustentacular cell was at the exterior margin of spermatogenous . in v testis , seminiferous epithelium had spermatozoon , spermatid and sustentacular cell . the sustentacular cell was fat and full of particle
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