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  • At the end , the general because the first king of the most powerful dynasty in china , the tang dynasty . the temple where the monk stayed , the shaolin temple , became the only officially permitted martial art trainning temple in the whole china
  • And he will be judge between great peoples , and strong nations far away will be ruled by his decisions ; their swords will be hammered into plough - blades and their spears into vine - knives : nations will no longer be lifting up their swords against one another , and knowledge of war will have gone for ever
  • Affordable decent housing is booming since 1998 . its promising vigor is mirrored in the great market demand . however , several problems exists : consumers are not examined strickly ; housing space and price is beyond control ; the ownership is not regulated clearly
    经济适用住房从98年开始在我国大行其道,市场需求一路高涨,显示了其强盛的生命力,在大发展的同时也存在一些问题,集中表现为: 1 、供应对象失控; 2 、住房面积和房价失控; 3 、产权问题。
  • In the process of globalization , on the one hand , chinese culture needs to accept actively the achievements of globalization so as to bring the development of chinese culture in line with that of world literature ; on the other hand , they must also strive to keep the fine tradition and characteristics of chinese culture in order to develop the chinese culture with long historical tradition into a vigorous part of the system of globalization
  • But just as huge , powerful countries can be awkward neighbours ? a canadian leader once likened his country ' s relations with the united states to a mouse bedding down with an elephant ? lavishly funded organisations can sometimes cause resentment among other outfits which are struggling to do a similar job
    不过,就有如庞大而强盛的国家可能是个让人不安的邻居? ?加拿大一位领导人曾经将该国与联合国的关系比喻为与大象同眠的老鼠? ?那样,资金雄厚的组织有时可能会引起奋斗于类似事业的其它群体的反感。
  • " the spada family was one of the oldest and most powerful families of the fifteenth century ; and in those times , when other opportunities for investment were wanting , such accumulations of gold and jewels were by no means rare ; there are at this day roman families perishing of hunger , though possessed of nearly a million in diamonds and jewels , handed down by entail , and which they cannot touch .
    “斯巴达家族人是十五世纪最古老,最强盛的家族之一。而在当时,没有金融交易和工业,所以积攒那些金银珠宝并不为奇。就是在当今,也有些罗马家族几乎都快饿死了,可他们还有价值百万的钻石珠宝,那是当作传家之宝世代传下来的,他们是不能动用的。 ”
  • So it is important contents of strategy of " informationization drive industrialization " to introduce and implement erp projects in small and medium - sized enterprise , especially small and medium - sized enterprise that grow up fast . by doing that , the enterprises can fully utilize the information technology , keep powerful vitality and continuous competitive advantage
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