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  • During the process , shi jie and the team leader , ding wei slowly they ease the strain , shi jie used his kung fu basketball skills and creates a shocking power and helped the team to make it through a hard time
  • It was a holy hour for mother and daughter , and their eyes were wet as they talked on in the twilight , ruth all white innocence and frankness , her mother sympathetic , receptive , yet calmly explaining and guiding
  • This was indeed the essence of chernshevsky ' s position ? that “ rational egoism , “ once accepted , would so enlighten man that the very possibility of his behaving irrationally , that is , contrary to his interests , would entirely disappear
  • However , my husband sometimes showed concern , fearing that the child and i might not be getting enough nutrition from my vegetarian diet . i reassured him calmly , as i myself firmly believed that eating vegetarian would make our baby even healthier
  • And then he was influenced by the famous french wartime philosopher , simone weil , who taught him this rationale , " the world is so full of horror and hell and evil , that there must be somewhere the opposite force of goodness and truth . that means somewhere god must be .
    后来他受到战时著名法国哲学家simone weil影响,他这样开导他,他说:你是对的,世界充满了惊惶邪恶,因此必定有相反的力量良善爱怜悯盼望。
  • I noticed that he had just graduated , yet somehow he looked pale and sad . he seemed deeply concerned about something inexpressible . seeing him in this condition , i felt very uneasy , and tried to advise him by saying , " now that you ve passed the exam , you should try to eat better
  • I then understood that it is necessary to reach out to the public via video seminars and other awareness - enhancing events to convey masters merciful teachings and thus promote enlightenment and non - violence . this will be my new years resolution
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