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  • However , with the administrative state shouldering increasing responsibilities , the legislature is increasing by handing its decision - making power to administrative agencies with the expertise to make timely decisions
  • The problem of profit manipulation is a complicated research topic . to the small - and - medium enterprises ( smes ) , which account for above 99 % in registration enterprises amount of our country , the importance for this study is axiomatic
    企业的利润操纵问题是一项内容庞杂的研究课题,对于占我国注册企业总数99 %以上的中小企业来说,开展这项研究的重要性自不言而喻。
  • As public quest for better quality of care increases , hospital accreditation agency bears increasing expectation in properly collecting , transmitting , and using the data , which could not be possibly accomplished without information technology
  • As public quest for better quality of care increases , hospital accreditation agency bears increasing expectation in properly collecting , transmitting , and using the data , which could not be possibly accomplished without information technology
  • There are much more problems in administrative examination and approbation in china , such as the sundry authorities , the work confinement out of control , the vague standard of measurement , the unperfected work procedure , charge in too many names , the supervision system in disorder
  • The other one is that there is no final conclusion about the nature of bot basic contracts till now and there are no special laws and regulations about the bot project . the present laws ca n ' t meet the demands in the legal adjustment of bot project
  • In this dissertation , a set of sar system design and simulation software is developed . it can reduce the calculation and make it easy to evaluate and decide the system , and optimize the performance of systems , improve efficiency and quality
  • As a result , it is of profound importance to study the relationship between wto and judicial review . the relationship between wto and judicial review involves many legal disciplines such as international economy , administrative law , and constitutional law
  • Www has give us a bran - new network world , and at the same time put us in a enormous network labyrinth also . in the face of the profusive and complex space of the web , the main problem puzzling the world is how to mine knowledge efficiently and quickly from the tremendous amount of net html document . date mining technology based on web is a good method to deal with the problem
    Www带给人们全新网络世界的同时,也将网络上的人们置于了一个庞杂的网络迷宫,面对缤纷复杂的web空间,如何从浩如烟海的网络html文档中快速、高效地发掘所需信息便成为人们所关注的一个主要问题, web数据挖掘是解决这个问题的一个有效手段。
  • Although this method gives high sensitivity , the radioactive labels present many problems such as a potential hazard to analyst and environment , which limited its application in dna diagnostic laboratories . in order to overcome these problems a serious of non - radioactive dna probes such as fluorescent , chemiluminescent and electrochemical probes have been developed . although these new methods display many advantages , they have not been used to take place completely the traditional method because of low sensitivity or complex equipment or other shortcomings
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