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  • So he did not listen to others and accepted happy wiz as his last student formally . hu said : “ during more than 60 years of my magic career and among my pupils , happy wiz is the last one who learns the skill from me but i can say he is the best
    胡世盛先生如是说: “在我长达六十多年的魔术表演生涯中,在我众多的弟子中,奇乐是最后一个跟我学艺的,可以说是最为得意的弟子。 ”
  • He began his training in chinese opera at the age of nine first under his father , then under several famous artists such as xiao wang fuchen , li shibin , zhao lintong , and zhou shaolin , the son of zhou xinfang better known as qilintong , the legendary star in peking opera who gave his name to the qi stylistic school
  • In preparing the exhibition , we have also searched for information on martial arts directors , such as lau kar - leung , tong kai , tung wai , chan siu - pang , etc . they speak of their early years , how they learned the martial arts , how they entered the film industry , and of the way they devised action scenes and weapons . each combat scene represents an achievement in our film production industry ; each story told an invaluable historical record
  • My reasons for the formation of the middle class are : 20 - odd years , as china ' s economic structure and reform and opening up in depth , the original relatively closed and relatively simple social strata structure has undergone great changes ; political civilization construction and transparent government building , state of citizens in political life , economic life and social life interfere with the further weakening , subject to " common prosperity " target distribution system rationalization , the sound socialist legal system , improve the social security system so that the rise of the middle class quietly and causing social concern
    2004年中国社会科学院陆学艺领导的“当代中国社会阶层结构研究”课题组依据几年来对中国社会结构变迁中社会分层结构的经验研究和思考,借鉴国外有关理论,对当前中国社会中间阶层给出了一个初步的研究界定:所谓中间阶层, “包括拥有一定私人生产资料的自雇者和中、小雇主(如中、小私营企业主)群体。其间的主体是指占有一定的知识资本及职
  • Currently , 16 road ultimate famous restaurant table full aroma have been written in the drinking cookbook . " 11 " - during the process , and culture - packed wild city hundred famous by passengers from the heat if gourmet chase , a gun fired , was significantly increased sales momentum , some of their home chambers housewives and even kitchen stoves depth stores beside the word , to achieve " perfect !
    目前, 16道终极名菜已全面香飘酒楼餐桌,写进了酒肆菜谱. "十一"长假期间,经工艺创新、文化包装的雁城百道名菜受到了来自天南地北美食客的热力追逐,一炮打响,销量呈明显上升势头,有的家庭主妇甚至深入店家厨灶旁,拜师学艺,以求取得“真经” !
  • With the historical trend of popularized higher education and the new century ' s education background that takes practical innovation as priority , learning skills from master teachers proves to be beneficial in many aspects : it can promote the combination of theories and reality so as to improve the quality and efficiency of class teaching ; it enables normal school students to improve teaching practice ability ; it helps to establish close relationship between tertiary schools and elementary or secondary schools ; it supports the development of education reform with useful experience , and explores a broad field for normal school students ' cultivation before taking a job as well as development in their career
  • Wong bao kong wants to go to hong kong from cheung chao to study and promote the cheung chao shrimp sauce . on the other hand , fai bee and man bee , the two novice traffic and weather forecast announcers in a local radio station are ordered to go errand due to their conflict with nancy ma ma
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