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  • Sooner or later , some of the students are sure to ask the instructor if he knows this , and if so , why it is not taught
  • Merian c cooper and ernest b schoedsack , who produced the 1933 film , would have been surprised by this reverence
  • Most of these may seem obvious , but you might feel better knowing they are “ scientifically proven ”
    其中的绝大多数可能似乎显而易见,不过如果知道它们是“经科学研究证实” ,你可能会感到好一些。
  • However , i believe that you can use an scm tool more effectively if you know a little bit about what ' s happening inside
  • China and india might well come more swiftlyto the negotiating table if they faced the possibility of losing their exportmarkets
  • Hussein : i wish i had known about this place for my birthday . ali , open your presents . here ' s one from mr . yamamoto
  • This also makes it easier to organize your presentation , and makes it easier to find information when you know what you are looking for
  • If you know the location of an attribute in a source window , you can use the shortcut menu to find the injected code in the
  • If you know that the user is finished with the session for instance , the user has chosen to log out , make sure to call
    如果知道用户完成了会话的使用(如,用户选择注销登录) ,确保调用httpsession . invalidate ( )
  • If you know the character set used by the author of the target file , you can use the encoding dialog box to specify that character set
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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