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  • More or less this allows those who attain 3000 to come to a deeper level of balance and master the ability to dream weave , becoming the dreamer and the dream
  • Mrs . hurstwood was the type of woman who has ever endeavoured to shine and has been more or less chagrined at the evidences of superior capability in this direction elsewhere
  • We have seen that although language teaching in both china and canada started from more or less similar beginnings , they diverged from each other in their later developments
  • And if you watch closely enough , you ' ll see the markings of his travels - - from the soccer fields and basketball gyms of italy to the playgrounds of philadelphia
  • Yet in the hands of michael blastland and andrew dilnot , respectively producer and presenter of “ more or less ” , a bbc radio programme on the subject , that is what it becomes
  • Twelve percent said they were fluent in english , six percent said they understood and spoke it well , and 48 percent said they " more or less " understood english but did not speak it fluently
    的人表示他们能说一口流利的英语, 6 %的人能用英语交流, 48 %的人则多多少少懂一点,但是讲得不流利。
  • Beside this , however , many civilizations have come and gone in somewhat the same manner , and the " myth " [ of atlantis ] is based somewhat then on physical fact in your terms
    但不光如此,许多文明都以多多少少相同的方式面临和经历过,用你们的话说来, [亚特兰提斯] “神话”多少是基于物质实事的。
  • And therefore the people who meditate , or at least who go and listen to the words of the bible , or the buddhists , at least they are in contact with the higher power and there are some protective things
  • Rich , successful and a youthful 42 , it is difficult to think what could trouble him even if we suspect that , with a new season looming , some rumpus or other is waiting around the corner
  • Now , she was comfortably situated , and to one who is more or less afraid of the world , this is an urgent matter , and one which puts up strange , uncanny arguments
    她现在生活安定,这对一个多多少少害怕艰难世道的人来说,是一个至关紧要的问题。这一考虑也向她提出了一些奇怪荒唐的异议来: “你不知道这件事会有什么后果。
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