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  • The implementation of this system for more man ten years clearly shows that the multi - channel institution of retrial does not produce the desired effects . the present retrial system modelled itself mainly on that of the former soviet union , its operation in china gives rise to more state intervention than individual disposal , more layman recognised truth than truth recognised by law , seeking justice in substantial law more than legal procedure , and finally brings about " numerous applicants , unlimited lapse of time , high frequency , confused jurisdiction , unmethodical causes of action "
  • It elaborated the traditional employment theory which solving employment problem depends entirely on market " the invisible hand " , advocate the modern employment traditional theory that country intervene economy and increase society " effective demand " in order to realize the full employment , as well as elaborate formation and development of our country employment theory in the face of market economy
  • In the second chapter , i discussed the theoretical basis of public interest litigation , and point out that civil public interest litigation is based on the theory of state interference ; farther i discussed the challenge of public interest litigation to the theory of traditional civil action , such as the theory of right to suit , the party standing theory , the procuratorial theory , jus dispodendi theory and res judicata theory
  • Hi order to attain the land using durative in small town , which policies and measures we should adopt ? discuss the market mechanism , and the small town land using which is intervened by the nation , and motive mechanism of land using , we put forward a few modes of the land sustained using policy of the small town
  • " substantive " conception of the rule of law per se is questionable . in other words , conception of the rule of law in ordinary sense is " formal " conception of the rule of law . accordingly , " rule of law " in the thesis - - " state intervention governed by the rule of law " , which is only
    这样一来, “国家干预法治化”中的“法治”就只能解释为形式理性法之治,但这种形式理性法之治与国家干预实质化的特点是不相吻合的,因此,这一命题遮蔽了国家干预与法治之间潜在的矛盾和冲突, ?简单套用这一命题并将其作为经济法的追求目标,并不利于经济法自身的发展。
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