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  • Sino - american culture association , in conjunction with chinese culture associations and china tours offer the beijing - kunming summer camp and local tours for immersion experience with local students and in - depth understanding of china
  • In 2001 , the ratio of domestic tourist number to foreign tourist number is 70 " ? l . as to the present situation of all sub - industries of tourism in jingdezhen , the travel agency ' s number is few , only seven , its scale small , its economy benefit poor
    2001年,景德镇市的国内旅游人数与涉外旅游人数之比为70 : 1 。从各子产业的发展情况来看,景德镇市旅行社数量少(仅7个) ,规模小,经济效益差。
  • Our major are organizing overseas tourists to visit china and providing domestic travel , charter flights travel , air tickets booking . we also corporate with cits - american express leisure travel service network and provide good business travel services , etc
  • Based on the current situation and the prospect of the tourism tax in china and oversea as illustrated above , chart 4 combines the policy carried out by the government to present the management models and basic strategies of the chinese tourism tax
    第四章: “中国旅游税收管理模式及对策”本章针对以上国际和国内旅游税收的现状和问题,结合即有的政策与方针,探讨性的提出了符合中国国情特色的旅游税收管理模式和基本对策。
  • Statistics from the immigration personnel at various frontier stations and from national surveys of domestic tourism ( of the ratio of citizens touring ) are especially incompatible with survey statistics of local tourism . a failure to recognize this would create a severe problem of omission
    特别是全国的各边防站入境人员统计和全国的国内旅游调查(即居民出游率调查) ,就不适合地方接待游客的调查统计,否则会出现严重遗漏的问题。
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