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  • In the creation process , bai xianyong combines the traditional narrative skill with modem ones in order to form a kind of beauty of delicacy and plaint with strong chinese traditional characteristics , thus reflecting the important and special aesthetic value
  • Every nation now faces a choice between lawful change and chaotic violence ; between joyless conformity and an open , creative society ; and between the celebration of death in suicide and murder and the defense of life and its dignity
  • Literarisches vorbild der hymnen ist das gedicht " the complaint , or night - thoughts on life , death and immortality " ( dt . " klagen oder nachtgedanken ber leben , tod und unsterblichkeit " von edward young ( 1683 - 1765 ) , ein werk in elegischen versen , das auf fast die gesamte europ ä ische romantik gewirkt hat
    有关夜的文学经典是爱德华荣格的《哀怨,或者对生、死和不朽的夜思》 ,这是一首优雅的诗,对整个欧洲的浪漫主义产生了深远的影响。
  • And for the first time in her life she felt bitterness against the people who had befriended her only to torment her more poignantly : she felt envy of natasha , who had never had any experience of the kind , who had never been required to make sacrifices , and made other people sacrifice themselves for her , and was yet loved by every one
  • The poem swung in majestic rhythm to the cool tumult of interstellar conflict , to the onset of starry hosts , to the impact of cold suns and the flaming up of nebular in the darkened void ; and through it all , unceasing and faint , like a silver shuttle , ran the frail , piping voice of man , a querulous chirp amid the screaming of planets and the crash of systems
  • The fundamental characteristic of chu ci contains four aspects : the characteristic of emotion keynote is extremely sorrow and sentimental ; the manner of writing is circling round and changing over and over again for one thing ; the imago of wu which use fragrant grass and beautiful woman as things for begging the gods ; the leading character with pure personality
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