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  • Yet on a recent saturday afternoon it was empty ; not one person among the throngs of cubans and tourists strolling down calle obispo felt inspired to cross its threshold
  • She said the limited waivers meant that the resettlement of many refugees had been indefinitely delayed . in addition to the burmese , ms . sauerbrey pointed to the cuba and vietnamese montagnards
  • She said the limited waivers meant that the resettlement of many refugees had been indefinitely delayed . in addition to the burmese , ms . sauerbrey pointed to the cubans and vietnamese montagnards
  • There is no malnutrition but poverty is palpable : at night , at a tourist restaurant in cienfuegos , a chef hands a basket of food through a window to hungry relatives waiting outside
  • I have directed the armed forces to prepare for any eventualities ; and i trust that in the interest of both the cuban people and the soviet technicians at the sites , the hazards to all concerned of continuing this threat will be recognized
  • With the mixture of friendly warmth and necessary opportunism that characterises cubans nowadays , one of the bored women attendants was soon asking your correspondent ' s wife if she could spare a packet of antacids ( “ medicines are very scarce ” )
    如今的古巴人的性格里混杂着友好热情与绝对必要的机会主义,而不一会博物馆里那些无聊的女服务员中就会很快走出一名,来问我们的随行记者的妻子能不能给她一包抗酸剂(她会说, “药物在古巴非常稀少” ) 。
  • Most cubans themselves - even those who criticise aspects of the regime - do not envisage or desire change : they don ' t want to lose the advantages it has brought them , the free education right through university , the free universal healthcare , or the very fact of a safe , peaceful existence in a country where life is calm
  • Only last thursday , as evidence of this rapid offensive buildup was already in my hand , soviet foreign minister gromyko told me in my office that he was instructed to make it clear once again , as he said his government had already done , that soviet assistance to cuba , and i quote , " pursued solely the purpose of contributing to the defense capabilities of cuba , " that , and i quote him , " training by soviet specialists of cuban nationals in handling defensive armaments was by no means offensive , and if it were otherwise , " mr
    就在上个星期四我已经掌握了进攻性工事在快速兴建的证据时,苏联外相葛罗米柯在我的办公室告诉我他获指示再向我澄清一遍,他说他的政府即苏联已经对古巴实行的援助,我这里引用“仅仅是为了增加古巴的防御能力” ,我再引用“苏联专家训练古巴人是掌握防御性武器,如果该培训是其他什么的也决不具进攻性质” ,他接着说“苏联政府绝对不会提供这样的援助” 。
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