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  • Comet mcnaught continues to move out from the sun and dim , but should remain visible in southern skies with binoculars through the end of this month
  • Personal judgment should be avoided at all costs . while a binocular is helpful to the observation of a meteor train , a cassette recorder can record what has been said about the phenomenon
  • The eclipse lens cap system features flip - top lens covers that can be flipped up to fit against the binoculars ' body and rotated to ensure that they are out of the viewing field
  • Just then sherburn steps out on to the roof of his little front porch , with a double - barrel gun in his hand , and takes his stand , perfectly ca m and deliberate , not saying a word
  • Based on that , the paper applied the theories of fluid mechanics and mechanics of elasticity to the double tube telescopic damper , developed the mathematical model with 7 parameters for the first time
  • Before you could wink , long john had fired two barrels of a pistol into the struggling merry ; and as the man rolled up his eyes at him in the last agony , george , said he , i reckon i settled you
    一眨眼的功夫,高个儿约翰的手枪对准还在挣扎的墨利双筒响。墨利在断气前翻起一双眼睛瞪着他。 “乔治, ”西尔弗说, “这下我可让你闭上嘴了。 ”
  • The local controller in the airport tower checks the runways and the skies above the runways with binoculars and surface radar ( local and ground controllers are the only controllers licensed to use visual information in performing their duties )
  • In order to ensure the safety of engineering , it should be careful to use the test result of normal drilling sampling , the pitting sampling , shaft sampling , or double - tubles and thin - wall soil collecting methods should be used
  • Examination of angiography , ultrasonic reachs double tube of indirect ophthalmoscope , fluorescent element the application of the modern technology such as ct , mri , make the diagnosis of tumour following a ministry rises with each passing day
    双筒间接眼底镜、荧光素血管造影、超声波检查及ct 、 mri等现代技术的应用,使跟部肿瘤的诊断日趋提高。
  • I always had a desire to have a mute in my service , so learning the day his tongue was cut out , i went to the bey , and proposed to give him for ali a splendid double - barreled gun which i knew he was very desirous of having
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