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  • A man went into a dangerous place , where there were nails and stones everywhere . so he took his shoes off , hung them up and walked all over the area . then he got injured and began to bleed from his ankles and feet
  • This sister initiate told master that she really admired her courage in going to dangerous places in europe during such a perilous time as the kosovo crisis . besides , the schedule of the whole european lecture tour had been extremely tight
  • In places with bad roads , few trains and parlous land lines , they substitute for travel , allow price data to be distributed more quickly and easily , enable traders to reach wider markets and generally ease the business of doing business
  • Wire nets or planks are installed to surround the dangerous places and members of the public are urged not to climb or lean against these nets or planks . in addition , they should not try to pass through the construction sites
  • When i decided to bring you far away from the country which was so unsafe for you , i was rich , and counted on putting a portion of my fortune at your disposal ; then your existence would have been free and happy
    “请您听我说完, ”福克先生说, “当我决定把您从那个对您说来是非常危险的地方带出来的时候,我还是个有钱的人。当时我打算把自己的一部分财产分给您。那么您的生活就会很自在,很幸福。
  • The basic forces of demand and supply will then inflat a bubble economy and increases the risk for the participants . it stock investment is now a tricky game . amateur small investors looking for quick returns are likely to end up being the losers
  • Even optimists at the meeting agreed that demand for crude oil will outstrip production by 2020 and that worldwide reserves will be exhausted by 2100 ; oil shortages and higher prices will make the world a more dangerous place , they warned
  • Zherkov , keeping his hand still at his cap , had briskly started his horse and galloped off . but no sooner had he ridden out of bagrations sight than his courage failed him . he was overtaken by a panic he could not contend against , and he could not bring himself to go where there was danger
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