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  • This examination includes on - site inspection and off - site appraisals of insurers asset quality , reserving and reinsurance arrangements . any causes for concern would be brought up to attention of insurers with a view to seeking their remedial actions
  • Where inadequate reserving is identified , the insurers concerned are required to take prompt actions to top up their reserves . they may be further required , if appropriate , to strengthen their internal controls in claims reporting and monitoring
  • Accumulation fund weighs reserve again , it is a company to consolidate the property basis of oneself , increase the credence of the company and precautionary accident deficit , the regulation of according to law and company rules , it is beyond company capital the capital of stockpile
  • After comparing the current three employments injury insurance bond raising models , the thesis make a conclusion that assessment of constituent capitals system has the highest rate , but could raise the employment injury insurance reserve this could settle the realistic problem of hardly dealing with outburst injury , hardly preventing employment injury and hardly making occupation illnesses recovery feasible . assessment of constituent capitals system is suitable for the injury insurance the socialization reform just the start ' s country just like our country
    论文首先对当今世界各国工伤保险的三种基金筹集模式? ?当年平衡式、阶段平衡式、总体平衡式? ?进行了分析对比,得出总体平衡的基金筹集模式虽然费率最高,但能够提高工伤保险储备,解决目前较少的工伤保险储备金难以应对突发性伤亡事故的发生、不能很好的实行工伤预防和职业康复工作等现实问题的结论,适合类似于我国这样的工伤保险社会化改革刚起步的国家使用。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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