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  • This agreement is not intended and shall not be construed to create a relationship of employer - employee , agency , partnership , franchisee or joint venture between myself and any other distributor , sponsor , enroller or ov . i understand that i have no authority to bind ov to any obligation
    本协议书无意构成亦应被视为本人与机汇或任何其他直销商或保荐人或介绍人间成立任何雇? 、代理、特许经营权或合资关系。本人无权将任何责任、义务加诸机汇公司之上。
  • In many articles and works , the termination of the liaison between celestial and human beings has an indefinite source . at the beginning of the discourse it is introduced that the two sources of the termination which people often mentioned . they are the l punishments , of the book of zhou , of the book of history and chu yu of guo yu . the article also explicates the relationship between the two records and their value , saying that chu yu of guo yu was compiled later than the l punishments , of the book of zhou , of the book of history but their importance can not be judged only by the time when they were compiled . in fact the termination was mythologically recorded in the book of mountains and seas the famous pre - qin book . in the part , the writer introduces the time and the nature of the book of mountains and seas , thinking it passes on many messages of the primitive time with the images and reflection of true history and taking it as a new attempt to study the legal history by it
    正本清源,本文首先介绍人们最常引用的“绝地天通”的两个出处: 《尚书?周书?吕刑》和《国语?楚语》 ,而且对这两处记载的关系及其价值进行了分析,指出:虽然《国语?楚语》在时间上较《尚书?周书?吕刑》为后,但对资料的原始性的评价并不仅仅以其时间的先后为标准。事实上,在先秦典籍中, 《山海经》也以一种神话的语言记载了“绝地天通” 。在本部分,作者对《山海经》的性质、成书时间等作了说明,认为它用神话的方式保留并传递了相当多的原始时代的信息,它们带有历史的影子,在一定程度上反映着历史的真实。
  • In the thesis , the new achievements and development of artificial neural network applied in textile field in the world were concluded , the application areas and choices of artificial neural network in textile field were also systematically introduced . there will be a great perspective of artificial neural network applied in textile field
  • In part ii , through an analysis of the different variables that respectively affect international hrm and domestic hrm , it makes a comparison between the western model of hrm and the japanese model . in part iii , it presents , under the background of economic globalization , human resources stratagem of international hrm , the structural reformation of international enterprises , service - oriented hrm and cross - cultural management
  • In addition discuss the aesthetic anthropology view of guilin ' s cultural structure , the hill and river , hill distribution , water surrounded , the ancient river system . and compare the great wall , xiang shan , mountain , five hua shan , lu shan , wu yi shan , the west lake of hang zhou , the garden of su zhou . all these have only hill but river or have river but hill
    本论文的首先介绍人类学的传统方法论:综合整体观的运用,跨文化比较的方法,主位客位方法,田野作业,然后对桂林文化的历史渊源追根溯源,其次论述桂林文化象征结构的审美人类学审视:山与水相生相映, ? ?具体论析桂林山水共生,山的分布,水的环绕,古代环城水系、环城旅游、比较长城、香山、五岳、黄山、庐山、武夷山、杭州西湖、苏州园林,皆有山无水,或有水无山,山水相宜惟有桂林。
  • The third chapter lists a few actual cases relative to the scheme of check - up system on effective performance concerning management of human resources , the reformative scheme for management of human resources in enterprises , process of implementation and way of operation
  • The third part introduced the kdd in the artificail intelligence . lt anatomied the conception , content . essence and core of kdd , then brought forward the methodology of sas - - - - - - semma . the forth part , the main part of the paper . described all the process of kdd - - - - - - data preparation , then data mining according to the semma
    第三章介绍人工智能领域的知识发现技术,从概念、内容、本质及其核心内容等多方面剖析知识发现技术,并介绍美国sas软件研究所研究知识发现的方法论? ? semma 。
  • In this paper , the author will firstly introduce the meanings of the photometric units , photosynthetically active radiation and photosynthetic photon flux , then theoretically derive the relations of the three units above , and finally utilize the full range of spectral characteristics of three different lamp to illustrate the process of conversion
  • On the threshod of a new millennium , humans are proud of a lot of achievements in space science and astronomical discovery that have been made in the past centuries , for examples , moon landing , launching of space shuttle , operation of space telescope , prediction of the existence of planet and discovery of galaxies
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