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  • Earlier this month , chinese premier wen jiabao and japanese prime minister shinzo abe signed an agreement to work on a successor to the kyoto treaty
  • The aim is for the new deal to be ratified by all countries by the end of 2012 , when the first phase of the kyoto protocol expires
  • Therefore , though the resolution of kyoto convention is a good start , it will nonetheless pose a great test to us all as to how to substantively and effectively enforce it
  • A carbon price can be established either through a tax or through a cap - and - trade system , such as the one europe adopted after signing up to kyoto
  • The 180 - nation talks agreed on details of the 1997 u . n . protocol friday , including a fund to help poor nations adapt to climate change
    周五, 180个国家参与的大会通过了对1997年《京都议定书》的一些细节的讨论,包括帮助贫困国家适应气候的变化。
  • The negotiations over the un framework convention on climate change and the kyoto protocol are the principal mechanisms for collective action on climate change
  • United nations framework convention on climate change ( kyoto protocol ) went into effect on feb 16th 2005 by attendants ’ making joint efforts of many years
    《 <联合国气候变化框架公约>京都议定书》经过多数缔约方多年的共同努力,于2005年2月16日生效。
  • Almost 400 mayors around the country have signed a non - binding agreement to reduce their cities ' emissions in keeping with the kyoto protocol
  • Germany , host of this year ' s g8 summit , is trying to get the world to agree on what to do when the kyoto protocol on curbing greenhouse gases runs out in 2012
  • Australia ' s former government also refused to ratify the kyoto protocol , arguing that it would damage the economy with its heavy reliance on coal exports
    澳大利亚前政府也拒绝批准《京都议定书》 ,理由是,澳大利亚严重依赖煤的出口,批准议定书会损害国家经济。
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