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  • Recent acquisition kei igawa is a back - of - the - rotation pitcher who probably will need an adjustment period after coming over from the japan
  • The yankees spent $ 46 million to bring igawa over from japan in the offseason and expected him to fill a spot at the back of their rotation
  • Igawa , 27 , flew into the big apple early wednesday and spent much of the day just looking around . it wasn ' t quite what he expected
    井川庆现年27岁,在星期三稍早抵达大苹果(纽约市) ,他花了几天四处逛逛。这完全不是他之前所预期的。
  • The contingent also plans to visit with the leadership of the hanshin tigers , personally thanking the club for its assistance in the development of kei igawa
  • Drew swinging - - one of six strikeouts recorded by igawa - - and enjoyed pitching from the stretch position so much that he continued it over all six innings of work
  • In his last start , igawa appeared unable to command his curveball and changeup , with only his fastball a reliable tool to throw at baltimore ' s lineup
  • The yankees won the rights to negotiate with igawa last week , submitting the top bid of more than $ 26 million for the hanshin tigers ' starting pitcher
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