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  • My family and i , meanwhile , belong to that small subset of the expat world that doesnt celebrate christmas , status that has given us a heightened sense of closeness to each other and to our small circle of jewish friends and sunday - school mates
  • He said there was hundreds of soldiers there , and elephants and treasure , and so on , but we had enemies which he called magicians ; and they had turned the whole thing into an infant sundayschool , just out of spite
  • Anything you know ; i don t mind . there was a momentary pause ; it was broken , first , by one little tentative note ; then a second voice strengthened it , and a third and a fourth chimed in unison , with words they had learnt at the sunday - school -
  • Well , i tried the best i could to kinder soften it up somehow for myself by saying i was brung up wicked , and so i warn t so much to blame ; but something inside of me kept saying , " there was the sunday - school , you could a gone to it ; and if you d a done it they d a learnt you there that people that acts as i d been acting about that nigger goes to everlasting fire .
    不过,在我的心里,还有另一个声音在不停地说, “还有主日学校哩。你本该到那儿去啊。要是你早去的话,他们会在那儿教导你的嘛,教导你说,谁要象我那样为了黑奴所干的这一切,是要下地狱受到永恒的烈火的熬煎的。 ”
  • What i want is my nigger ; or what i want is my watermelon ; or what i want is my sunday - school book ; and if a pick s the handiest thing , that s the thing i m a - going to dig that nigger or that watermelon or that sunday - school book out with ; and i don t give a dead rat what the authorities thinks about it nuther .
    我要的是我的黑奴,或者要的是我的西瓜,或者我的主日学校的书。如果镐头是最容易弄到手的东西,我便用它来挖那个黑奴,或者那只西瓜,或者那本主日学校的书。至于那些赫赫有名的人物怎么个看法,我才不管呢。 ”
  • Touched by her forlorn look and her wet cheeks , he took her by the hand and opened the door to find her a seat , but the room was full of children . finally , he found a chair and squeezed it into the crowded room . as he led hattie to the chair , he told her , " hattie , someday well build a larger sunday school room so that you and any other little girls wont have to worry about finding a place to sit
  • Poor huck was too distressed to smile , but the old man laughed loud and joyously , shook up the details of his anatomy from head to foot , and ended by saying that such a laugh was money in a - man s pocket , because it cut down the doctor s bill like everything
    于是,他硬着头皮,捏着嗓子说: “主日学校用的教材,也许是的。 ”可怜的哈克显得十分难过的样子,不苟言笑,可老人却开怀大笑,笑得浑身上下直发抖。最后,他还说这种大笑就等于到手的钱,因为笑口常开无病无灾。
  • And you never can be sorry for the trouble you took to learn them ; for knowledge is worth more than anything there is in the world ; it s what makes great men and good men ; you ll be a great man and a good man yourself , some day , thomas , and then you ll look back and say , it s all owing to the precious sunday - school privileges of my boyhood - it s all owing to my dear teachers that taught me to learn - it s all owing to the good superintendent , who encouraged me , and watched over me , and gave me a beautiful bible - a splendid elegant bible - to keep and have it all for my own , always - it s all owing to right bringing up
  • These missionaries influenced generations of ordinary americans , in their churches and sunday schools , through books and later films , and through the east coast elite who shaped our foreign policy in those days , to see china as important and its people as our friends . the missionaries brought chinese to the united states to study and to work , many of whom became supporters and financiers of sun yat - sen s revolution
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