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  • Alzheimer ' s disease is the most common cause of senile dementia and memory loss . alzheimer ' s patients may have no problem with long term memory recall , however
  • Posterior segment involvement may lead to irreversible alterations and significant vision loss , the development of a partial or full - thickness macular hole , though rarely reported , may cause serious vision loss
  • When considering floors , the majority of the heat loss occurs at their edges . particular attention must therefore be paid to adequate and well - designed insulation details at floor edges
  • Sub - saharan africa , home to only 10 percent of the world ' s population , accounted for 26 percent of the healthy years of life lost , largely because of infectious disease , especially hiv / aids
    撒哈拉沙漠以南地区的人口占全球十分之一,但丧失的健康生活年数却占全球总数的26 %之多,那主要是由于传染病所造成,特别是爱滋病。
  • But the illegal behavior of the beneficiary is his personal behavior . what is forfeited is the beneficial right of the beneficiary . so the insurer cannot evade his responsibilities
  • The type of chemical reaction that causes this loss of elasticity is one that results in a chemical bond ( a cross - link ) between two nearby proteins that were previously able to slide across or along each other
    引起这种弹性丧失的化学反应类型,是在本来能横向滑动或彼此并排的相邻两个蛋白质之间产生一种化学键(交联键) 。
  • Although some retailers dislike the practice ? foreign luxury - goods groups like lvmh say they insist on fixed prices in china ? others hope they can recover lost margins through the extra volume
  • In a new study , retina stem cells harvested at a particular stage of development successfully restored visual function in mice affected by a common cause of blindness also found in humans , known as photoreceptor loss
  • Through his research at the foundation , hirsch has helped people overcome the loss of sense and taste sensation , which typically results in weight gain because the brain does not know when it should stop eating
  • And the far - flung palestinian diaspora would be free to return to the new state of palestine but not , bar a few exceptions , to the lands lost in 1948 , when the jewish state came into being in a war that caused the exodus of some 700 , 000 arabs
    而广大的巴勒斯坦难民则将被允许返回新建立的巴勒斯坦国,除了1948年丧失的土地之外? ?当年犹太人的立国之战造成大约70万阿拉伯人流亡。
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