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  • Economic performance improved steadily . national revenue reached 3 . 93 trillion yuan , a year - on - year increase of 769 . 4 billion yuan . profits of large industrial enterprises rose 31 % , an increase of 444 . 2 billion yuan
    经济增长稳定,国家财政收入达3 . 93万亿元,比上年同期数字相比增长7694亿元。工业利润增长31 % ,达到4442亿元。
  • Large fender arches , a rear - mounted spare tire and a roof rack add to the suv character of the trax , while flame yellow brake calipers and 16 - inch wheels and tires add an aspect of performance
    今年1月,洛杉矶长堤港的货运量较年前增加19 % , 20尺大型集装箱teus达1亿1900万个,今年中国农历新年期间teu比上年同期增加一百万个。
  • That has been coupled to a surge in new share issuance , with the top 10 investment bank bookrunners underwriting $ 23 . 3bn of share sales in india in the year to date ; more than twice the amount a year earlier
    与此同时,新股发行活动也出现激增, 10大投行今年迄今为止已在印度承销了价值233亿美元的股票,是上年同期水平的两倍多。
  • Data released by research group strategy analytics on friday showed nokia ' s global share slid to 28 . 9 percent in the second quarter from 36 percent a year ago , although on a quarterly basis its market share loss stabilised
    但研究机构strategy analytics周五公布的数据显示,公司二季度在全球市场份额已从上年同期的36 %滑落到28 . 9 % 。
  • Fourth - quarter expenses in investment banking jumped by 32 per cent , while operating income rose by only 22 per cent , prompting a slight drop in pretax income to sfr1 . 36bn ( $ 1 . 1bn ) year on year
    瑞银集团第四季度在投行领域的支出大幅增长32 % ,而运营收益仅增长22 % ,导致税前收益小幅下降至13 . 6亿瑞士法郎(合11亿美元) ,低于上年同期水平。
  • Investment in fixed assets ( exclusive of investment made by collective and individual enterprises ) rose as high as 22 . 7 % as compared with the same period last year , keeping the large increasing margin appeared in latter half last year
    固定资产投资(不含城乡集体、个体投资)比上年同期增长22 . 7 % ,继续保持了去年下半年以来较大的增长幅度。
  • China ' s monthly trade surplus outstripped expectations in january to hit $ 19 . 5bn ( ) , a 23 percent year - on - year increase , underscoring the country ' s continuing export performance amid fears of a looming global slowdown
    中国1月份月度贸易顺差超出预期,达到195亿美元,较上年同期增长23 % ,这突显出在市场担心即将来临的全球经济放缓之际,中国出口表现持续强劲。
  • A night ' s stay in london in the fourth quarter of 2006 averaged 107 , a rise of 22 per cent on the same period last year , although moscow tops the league with 172 , followed by new york ( 155 ) and dubai ( 124 )
    2006年第四季度,伦敦酒店每晚平均价格为107英镑,较上年同期上涨22 % ,莫斯科以172英镑拔得头筹,紧随其后的是纽约( 155英镑)和迪拜( 124英镑) 。
  • Urban fixed - asset investment in august rose 21 . 5 per cent compared with a year ago , a marked slowdown from the 30 . 5 per cent expansion from january through july and the slowest for a single month since december 2004
    8月份,中国城市固定资产投资较上年同期增长21 . 5 % ,与1至7月份期间30 . 5 %的扩张速度相比,有明显放缓;同时也是自2004年12月以来,单月增幅最低的一个月。
  • China ' s imports of goods in october were up 25 . 5 % from a year earlier to $ 80 . 67 billion in october , a bigger jump than september ' s 16 . 1 % , in part because high global commodities prices boosted the bill for imported raw materials
    中国10月份的进口额为806 . 7亿美元,比上年同期增长25 . 5 % ,大大高于9月份16 . 1 %的增幅,原因之一在于全球商品价格的上涨增加了进口原材料的支出。
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