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  • The bbc " ain ' t broke " , they say , by which they mean it is not broken ( as distinct from the word " broke " , meaning having no money ) , so why bother to change it
    他们说bbc的词汇“自己的一文不名” ,意思与“毁坏”不同,不是指毁坏,而是没钱,所以为什么不改掉它呢?
  • Hugh lived the life of a selfish miser who increased his own wealth at the expense of others ; he ended up being a friendless alcoholic who died in the poor house
  • That s why , when people look at you , they just feel you are beautiful , even if you re lame , if you re an amputee or you re bald , or you walk like a hunchback . because the inner god quality shines ; it s shining and shining and makes everyone feel very good
  • In the nature of single blessedness he would one day take unto himself a wife when miss right came on the scene but in the interim ladies society was a conditio sine qua non though he had the gravest possible doubts , not that he wanted in the smallest to pump stephen about miss ferguson who was very possibly the particular lodestar who brought him down to irishtown so early in the morning , as to whether he would find much satisfaction basking in the boy and girl courtship idea and the company of smirking misses without a penny to their names bi - or tri - weekly with the orthodox preliminary canter of complimentpaying and walking out leading up to fond lovers ways and flowers and chocs
    到那时为止,与女人交往倒也是个不可或缺的条件245 。他丝毫不想为弗格森246小姐促使他凌晨来到爱尔兰区的,极可能就是这位特定的“北极星”哩的事盘问斯蒂芬什么。尽管他十分怀疑斯蒂芬能够从诸如此类的事中得到由衷的满足:沉湎于少男少女式的谈情说爱啦,同只会嘻嘻嘻地傻笑身上一文不名的小姐每周幽会上两三次啦,照老一套的程序相互恭维,外出散步,又是鲜花又是巧克力地走上亲密的情侣之路。
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